
Room 4 - Level 4 

13:40 - 14:40 


Talk (60 min)

82 Bugs I Collected in a Year You Won’t Believe Made It to Production

This past year, I made it my mission to collect every bug I found while using everyday apps and websites.

Programming Languages

From small glitches to major problems, I ended up with a list of 82 bugs that somehow made it to production. These real-world examples are more than just interesting—they’re also embarrassing mistakes that teach important lessons for making software more reliable and improving how we test it.

In this talk, I will explain the different types of bugs I found and what they reveal about common mistakes in software development. I will also point out areas that are often missed but are crucial for your product’s quality.

By looking at these bugs together, I’ll show you how to avoid them and how to improve your testing so that these issues don’t reach your users. Whether you want to make your code more reliable or improve your testing, this talk will give you practical tips that you can use in your next project. Join me to learn from the embarrassing mistakes even popular apps couldn’t avoid—and take home strategies to prevent them in your own software!

François Martin

François Martin is a senior full stack software engineer at Karakun AG, living in Switzerland. He is an active open source contributor and co-author of the two open source JavaFX frameworks WorkbenchFX and PreferencesFX, an active member of the Swiss Testing Board and he participates in the working group of Advanced and Expert level at ISTQB. He is one of the authors of the upcoming ISTQB Security Test Analyst syllabus.